
Slim Volumes Doktor Theatre

What am I Doing with my Life?

Crows fly out into the starry night
A sunflower bursts in the pigment of my sight
I am the voice that won’t be heard
Mine is the song without reverb.
I am possessed by the form within the frame
Children throw stones, The women smell of shame,
In the maison de tolérance I search for some release –
What am I doing with my life?
Where is my home? Where is my wife?
We will found the studio of the south
Where we won’t need to live so hand to mouth
Fruit falls from all the trees,
We will paint the diamond seas.
What am I doing with my life?
Where is my home? Where is my wife?
You pack your bags, oh must you go away?
On the reefs of madness I will stay –
Is yours the voice that will be heard?
Is yours the song with reverb?
What am I doing with my life?
Where is my home? Where is my wife?


I went to the doctor

I wasn’t shy
I said I couldn’t forget
That look in her eye
He said you’re spinning in circles
You’re trapped like a fly
You better leave the web you weave.


Life keeps changing
Well ain’t it a shame
You get your shere of thunder and rain
Still the storm will break out again
If you don’t leave the web you weave.


They say a soft doctor
Leaves a stinking wound
What you leave till later
You get back real soon
It can cost the sun and the moon
Leave that web, c’mon leave that web,
You better leave the web you weave.


I went to the doctor
And I didn’t lie
I said what you give me
Don’t make me high
He said you’re spinning in circles
You’re trapped like a fly
You better leave the web you weave.


They say a soft doctor
Leaves a stinking wound
What you leave till later
You get back real soon
It can cost the sun and the moon
Leave that web, c’mon leave that web,
You better leave the web you weave.


Heard of a letter you wrote him 
Told me himself of the promises you made
All this while you were staying with me
Are you surprised I found it strange?

Nothing can amend the time we savaged
    Breath husky with dreams at the wrong end of the line
Man, I was loyal, real loyal and lovesick,
While for you lies were fine –
And it’s time these honeyed fetters 
Were broken on the stone
Time you went and made it
On your own –
Lovesick, lovesick, love –

Punch and Judy

A man needs a maid
A man needs a muse
But a woman made all the rules
These differences often confuse
The star-crossed 
Or just those caught in queues.
I wouldn’t like to see 
Your face upon a screen
I wouldn’t plant a tree
Where you have been
I’m not trying to
Start a scene
It’s just the juice
Running High,
It’s just
Avoiding your eye.
Well everyone smiled
As we came on the stage
The biggest laugh
Was often raised
By the stick 
That broke the stone,
By the word
That broke the bone.
I wouldn’t swim to you
Upon the shore,
I’m never going back, going back,
For more
I’m going to break
Your every Law.
Did we really say goodbye
Or is this just a lullaby?
Punch and Judy!
Mr Punch and Judy.
A man needs a maid
A man needs a muse
But a woman made all the rules
These differences often confuse
The star-crossed 
Or just those caught in queues.
I wouldn’t like to see 
Your face upon a screen
I wouldn’t plant a tree
Where you have been
I’m not trying to
Start a scene
It’s just the juice
Running High,
It’s just
Avoiding your eye.


I don’t know about the smugglers of love

I don’t know what they done with the stuff

I wasn’t there, I got my mouth in a glove,  I don’t know.

I didn’t go to the masquerade

I didn’t see the one who paid

The frontiers are open if you’ve got sails,

Ho! Ho! Ho!


I don’t know, I don’t know,

I don’t know what I don’t know.


It wasn’t me you saw in that room

It was my double on that afternoon

With a fistful of dollars and a map of the moon

No! No! No!


Well we’ve all got to change with the years

Don’t ask me about my fears

This job’s a job, it’s not a career.


I don’t know about the big white lie

Didn’t have no American pie

Don’t think I like that look in your eye



I saw you with the Emperor

The day he had no clothes

You asked for an audience

But all you found was gold.

I saw you with the prince

In his fountain of love

You danced around like crazy

You trembled in the mud.


I hear the Emperor has no clothes


The secret of secrets ain’t no rose.


You rode into Jerusalem

In another life

You found a maiden

You made her your wife

The royal ones gathered

Outside your stable door

None of them were certain

About the idea on the floor.


They saw the Emperor had no clothes

They saw the Emperor had no clothes.


I lost my identity

In the twinkling of an eye

I danced on a foreign lawn

beneath a changeling sky

Some silent pretender

Some Jacobite like you

The King over the water

The King is naked too.


I hear the Emperor has no clothes


The secret of secrets ain’t no rose.

Point of Care

Sometimes I get lonely, when the light’s are low,
Sometimes I wonder if there is a place to go,
Run to my window, what do I see?
No light surrounding me. 


Doubts they come in legions
Hopes they come alone
Well it’s hard some times
To find your home,
Bur rise and rise, rise and spread your wings,
Those the sun can never singe.


What’s the use of worry? what’s the point of care?
The point of care.


Throughout all the ages
Since the birth of man
Well, we’ve stumbled round
Looking for the plan,
Each man on his own,
Oh so far away from
What no man ever sees.

Some Voodoo 

Don’t know what I’d do if I can’t have you
I’d raise the dead, turn the moon blood red,
Then I’d walk down the avenue
That leads to those who have a view
On just what I’d do if I can’t have you
With some voodoo, some voodoo.



What would I be if you don’t have me
A lonely man on a lonely sea
Without song or melody
If you don’t have me, don’t have me,
With some voodoo, some voodoo.


Don’t know what I’d do if I can’t have you
I’d melt the sky, make the seas run dry,
‘Cos I’m on fire ‘cos you’re alive
This fire that burns in a world that turns
Is my way of saying don’t know what I’d do
If I can’t have you with some voodoo,
Some voodoo.


All Songs (except ‘Emperor’)

Dick McNeff: vocals, acoustic and electric guitars
David Halling: guitars,synthesisers, bass, percussion

Produced by David Halling and Dick McNeff:
Pandora Studios, West Hampstead, London
© RC McNeff 2015


‘The Emperor (Has No Clothes)’

Dick McNeff: vocals

Maarten de Groot: synthesisers

Produced by Maarten de Groot

Oldenzaal Studios,


Copyright RC McNeff 1992